• IEEE‑RAS ICRA 2015 Seattle, USA. 2015•C. Cardoso, L. Jamone and A. Bernardino, A novel approach to dynamic movement imitation based on quadratic programming. (first author) link

  • MSc Thesis @ Técnico Lisboa, 2016 •C. Cardoso, “Robot Skills: Imitation and Exploration Learning - Dynamic Movement Primitives and Reinforcement Learning for a Ping Pong playing Robot” link

  • IEEE‑RAS ICARSC 2017 Coimbra, Portugal. 2017•C. Cardoso and A. Bernardino, Adaptive Non‑Maximal Suppression Filtering for Online Exploration Learning with Cost‑Regularized Kernel Regression. (first author) link

  • Workshop at RO‑MAN 2017 Lisboa, Portugal. •Avelino, Joao, Paulino, Tiago, Cardoso, Carlos, Nunes, Ricardo, Moreno, Plinio and Bernardino, Alexandre. ”Human‑aware natural handshaking using tactile sensors for Vizzy, a social robot.” (co‑author) link

  • Paladyn Journal of Behavioral Robotics 2018 •Avelino, João, Paulino, Tiago, Cardoso, Carlos, Nunes, Ricardo, Moreno, Plinio and Bernardino, Alexandre. ”Towards natural handshakes forsocial robots: human‑aware hand grasps using tactile sensors.” (co‑author) link

  • IEEE ICDL‑EpiRob 2019 Oslo, Norway •A. Dehban, C. Cardoso, P. Vicente, A. Bernardino and J. Santos‑Victor, ”Robotic Interactive Physics Parameters Estimator (RIPPE),” (co‑first author, *equal contribution) link

  • EgoVIP workshop at IROS 2021 Prague, Czech Republic •C. Cardoso*, A. Bernardino,”Bayesian Interaction Primitives for Robot to Human Handover with Giver‑Egocentric Observations” (first author)

  • IEEE ICDL 2022 London, United Kingdom •C. Cardoso*, A. Bernardino, “Exploiting a Statistical Body Model for Handover Interaction Primitives” (first author)